Outline of the Report on School Phyical Resources


Objective of this document and the small group discussions (agenda item 9)

This document provides an overview of the potential topics to be included in the second thematic report on the organisation of the school offer, building on the OECD Review of Policies to Improve the Effectiveness of Resource Use in Schools (School Resources Review). It has been prepared for review and advice from the Group of National Experts (GNE) on School Resources, reflecting the themes that emerged during the review process. The aim of agenda item 9 is to seek feedback on the selection of themes to be covered and the potential structure of the thematic report. It will give delegates the opportunity to:

COMMENT on the proposed title and overview of potential themes to be included in the thematic report on the organisation of the school offer;

PROPOSE a selection of the most relevant themes and a potential structure for the thematic report;

BRING to the attention of the OECD Secretariat topics that are of particular relevance to countries and policy initiatives or documents that could be useful for the analytical work to be developed in the preparation of the thematic report.

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